Friday, September 11, 2015

XLER8success - Who Are They?

Children in our society are exposed to a variety of things by the age of 12. Most of which are not good. Growing up today can be challenging at best. Most children start with little or no foundation for success. Most feel that, because of their circumstances, it is impossible to improve their socio-economic situation. Because of this, they feel discouraged and end up making poor decisions. In most cases, they don’t understand the importance of staying away from influences that might make their future even more challenging. “YOLO” has become their explanation or excuse to simply do what feels good. In their mind, nothing changes if they feel the pains of discipline, so why not see if they might be able to escape the pains of regret. is dedicated to not only changing this mentality and thought process, but also breaking the generational cycle in which many find themselves. Our volunteers and mentors use their personal experiences to teach first-hand what can happen when someone decides to make small decisions every day that, compounded over time, add up to and “XLER8” the success they truly desire.